
The Future of Lobanherida no Fukushû

First of all, thank you for supporting my work for so long. It truly makes me happy to think that what I’ve done might have been useful to someone.

I’ve been a KAT-TUN fan for 18 years, and as we all know, a lot has happened during that time. Many times, I’ve wondered what I would do with this blog if KAT-TUN ever disbanded. That time has come, and now it’s time for me to take things a bit more easily.
To be honest, what has kept me being a fan for so long was this blog and the sense of “responsibility” I felt toward all of you.
Even during times when I seemed inactive or didn’t update frequently, there was always a little voice in my head saying, “I need to translate this,” “I have to save this,” or “I must buy this.”
Now, I want to take this opportunity to free myself from a responsibility no one ever imposed on me. That said, it wasn’t a bad thing, it gave me a sense of accomplishment and purpose, and I genuinely enjoyed it.
Therefore, I made the following decisions:

Above all, I am a KAT-TUN fan. Because of this, I won’t be sharing any solo music, videos, or concert content from the members. For that reason, after March 31, the Back Door will no longer be updated.
Likewise, I won’t be saving their regular programs, dramas, or performances with the intention of sharing them later.

As for translations, they are a way for me to continue studying Japanese, so I intend to keep doing them from time to time when I find something interesting to translate. However, every time I’ve tried following any ex-member, I quickly lost interest. I fear the same might happen now and I might not feel like translating anything in the end.

To put it simply, I’ll be a more “casual” fan from now on, and I might translate any Kame or Ueda content I find interesting.

Lastly, since I probably won’t be maintaining all the download links on this blog anymore, I recommend downloading anything you want now.
Google recently took down the masterpost with all the dramas. I won’t be reuploading it, but if you need anything, let me know now, and I’ll send you the links.
The same goes for any regular show. A while ago, I shared Cartoon KAT-TUN, TameTabi, and SCP. I can reupload them one last time, along with any other show you may need.
As for performances or other TV appearances, I don’t have them all, but if there’s a specific one you’re looking for, I’ll check if I have it and upload it for you.

I was a teenager when I became a fan, and I grew into adulthood alongside KAT-TUN. Despite all the ups and downs, I have no regrets and I had a great and happy time as a fan. The only thing left for me to say is, thank you, KAT-TUN!

I hope you understand, and thank you for putting up with me all these years.

For further updates, you can find me on Bluesky.
Thank you!


  1. Anonymous15/2/25 10:25

    Thank you for your hard work all these years, and for sharing it with us. It's sad to have to let go of all of that, that community, at the same time as the group.

  2. I really appreciate all that you have done over the years! I'm so depressed about them disbanding... I have been a fan since 2011. I first found out about them through Yamato Nadeshiko when I became a fan of Kame as an actor. I really love their music, but to be honest I was just obsessed with Kame-chan this entire time... ^^;

    Would you be able to upload CTKT and TameTabi? I accidentally deleted them years ago when I thought I had copied them to another hard drive, along with a lot of the older rare stuff from Kame no Sekai... One performance in particular I miss is Kame and Junno singing Special Happiness. I think Kame was wearing a black tank top with a skull on it. Do you know if you have that one?

    Also, I can't find the link to the back door? I thought I had it saved. Could you send me the link? If you'd rather not post it, I can give you my email.

    1. Hi!
      Here's CTKT: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aG6e_SX1lIk251XedcExPFBd8WgZjBL0/view?usp=sharing

      Here's TameTabi: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cgc8vmujxbhOSOIzmJxRZBYmUpZ1ZHJP?usp=sharing

      Only Torrent, sorry.

      I think the performance you are looking for is this: https://je-devotion.livejournal.com/8157.html (The MF link still works)

      You can find the back door by clicking on the door at the bottom of this blog. If not, send me an email and I'll send you the direct link :)

    2. Thank you so much!! <3

  3. Oh, and do you have any of Koki's solo performances?

    1. If you tell me any particular one, I'll see if I have it

  4. It was sad with what happened with KAT-TUN... and as international fans, I'm very grateful that you always share and translate anything related to the group or solo activity. Thank you very much ^_^

  5. Anonymous17/2/25 07:57

    Thank you for all these years.

  6. thank you so much for all of your translations and general work of keeping all the files and organizing stuff! you were one of the most important people in the fandom, if not the most important.

    1. if not too much trouble, i would like to request 6-nin music station performances, any that you have, and SCP when they were hosts. I couldn't find Kame's Follow me solocon anywhere as well

    2. and if anyone can help me identify this performance, I'd very grateful! I saw a gif once I can't find anymore, and I remember from the gif that before kicking Jin, Kame showed him a correct position on stage http://pics.livejournal.com/danalovesakame/pic/0016e193/

    3. Here is Kame's solo concert


    4. thank you! thank you!

    5. This is the performance you are looking for: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x69bvh
      It's from Utawara (2006.10.22)

      As for MS and SCP, I'll upload them soon :)

    6. omg, can't believe I've had it on my drive this whole time :D thank you!

    7. Here's SCP (torrent): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dcMu8YiKKizNnsZqzCKhte6rcZo8TaCe/view?usp=drive_link

      And MS 6-nin appearances: https://mega.nz/folder/VYMTEbgT#M3_eWerIG9WzcKAO2TA1xA
      Sadly, I'm missing a lot.

    8. thank you so much!!!

  7. Anonymous18/2/25 03:54

    Thank you so much for all the work you shared to the fandom. I'm really grateful.

    I know this might be too much of a request but is it possible to ask for KAT-TUN's discography and DVDs again? Anyhow, thank you again!

    It indeed was a rollercoaster ride being a hyphen. Being a fansubber must have been a lot of work, otsukaresama desu! I can't thank you enough for all the contents you've shared to and work you've done for the community.

    1. Anonymous18/2/25 08:26

      I wonder if you also have PVs and Makings of old albums and if it's not too much of a trouble. (>人<;)

      Thank you very much!

    2. All CDs and DVDs are on the Back Door: https://lobanheridanofukushu.blogspot.com/2023/07/changes-in-blog.html

  8. Anonymous18/2/25 08:18

    Merci beaucoup pour tout votre travail

    serait-il possible d'avoir les Raw de Game no na wa yuukai
    Et Gebou no uta
    S'il vous plait

    1. Here's Game no Na wa Yuukai: https://mega.nz/folder/4RdGnI7A#HsyXHBJPvMPi6rm1BPzb4w

      And Gedou no Uta: https://mega.nz/folder/9pYABa4T#S5JEWcGsX8TOWkDgbcjXCQ

    2. Anonymous20/2/25 15:57

      Thank you <3

  9. Thanks a lot for all the shared content you uploaded and also for being honest.
    Me, also as a hyphen found this time extremely difficult so I totally get you.
    Thanks again for everything

  10. Anonymous21/2/25 09:03

    Un énorme merci pour votre travail

    Le blog sera t-il fermer après le 31 mars ? ou restera-il actif quand même ?

    Avez vous des vidéos de Nani suru KAT-TUN ??

    1. I'll keep this blog to upload some trasnlation/subtitles.
      The other blog (back door) won't be updated anymore, but I don't delete it.

      Here's Nanisuru: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DEbnxxWSilZnkVaOGbNGxjknW5D2j6Kw/view?usp=drive_link

    2. Anonymous21/2/25 20:18

      Mercii beaucoup pour les information

      et merci pour le liens (mais il ne fonctionne pas :( )

  11. Anonymous23/2/25 12:25


    Un énorme merci pour votre travail et votre disponibilité

    Auriez-vous les performances MS a 6/5/4 et 3 membres
    ainsi que les performance nanisuru KAT-TUN ?
